- Author:
Tatjana Nikolaevna Mozel
- Institution:
Diplomaticheskaja akademija MID Russia
- Year of publication:
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In Russian-Polish relations there were periods of improvement and deterioration, UPS and downs, due to both historical reasons and internal political changes and the influence of external factors. In these difficult political circumstances, the sphere of culture, education and science have always served as a reserve and a platform for maintaining contacts between the two countries. Of special importance are regular meetings of experts in international Affairs to discuss topical and theoretical problems of world politics and bilateral relations between Russia and Poland.
- Author:
Dawid Menard
- Institution:
Uniwersyt Jagielloński, TVP Kraków
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Trust in media and trust in media organizations
Trust in media in the light of the research results is extremely important. Trust is difficult to clearly define, but it’s easy to measure the effects of its activities in media organizations. Building trust in media organization is a long-term process and it’s fragile, needs just a moment to lose it. However, it is a viable because of a lot of benefits of trust. Good reputation and knowledge sharing are examples of the practical benefits of a high level of trust management in media organization. The trust is becoming the economic capital in the new economy that is emerging in the era of transparency. New media, virtual reality and the real world are gradually converging. Trust and transparency will never replace our privacy, so a kind of dichotomy arises here.
- Author:
Sławomir Pastuszka
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Celem artykułu jest ocena poziomu kapitału społecznego województwa świętokrzyskiego. Analizie poddano takie elementy, jak: zaufanie, odpowiedzialność za dobro wspólne, skłonność do zrzeszania się oraz deklarowaną aktywność społeczną, udział w wyborach władz. Do analizy wykorzystano badanie ankietowe przeprowadzone wśród mieszkańców województwa świętokrzyskiego pod koniec 2014 r. Zdiagnozowany poziom kapitału społecznego badanych osób nie napawa optymizmem – cechuje go niski stopień zaufania ogólnego, stosunkowo niewielkie zaangażowanie w inicjatywy na rzecz dobra wspólnego oraz małe zainteresowanie aktywnością organizacji społecznych. Takie postawy i zachowania prawdopodobnie wpłyną negatywnie na perspektywy rozwoju gospodarki regionalnej opartej na wiedzy, spowolnią postęp społeczny, a w efekcie utrudnią zwiększenie poziomu dobrobytu mieszkańców województwa świętokrzyskiego.
- Author:
Jolanta Ambrożewicz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Polska
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the whole world by surprise and has affected all sections of society. One of them are entrepreneurs whose crisis affects themselves, the people they employ, and the economy in general. The article presents how entrepreneurs use their resources in the form of social contacts, coping with the difficulties of the crisis. It also presents the role of business organizations and the relationships they create in the face of a pandemic. How drawing support from relationships that were established against the backdrop of community activity has proved to be of great importance in the face of the pandemic. The publication discusses such issues as: the features of the crisis, the role of the organization in supporting entrepreneurs, the influence of relations on coping with the crisis, and manifestations of trust in a group. The results of the research collected qualitatively in the form of the participants’ written statements show how, in times of a pandemic, they show the sense of support obtained from people in a similar situation. They present what makes entrepreneurs, despite the difficulties related to the crisis, not only able to protect themselves against collapse, but also to develop their companies?
- Author:
Mas’ud Muhammadiah
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Universitas Bosowa
- Author:
Muliadi Muliadi
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Universitas Muslim Indonesia
- Author:
Andi Hamsiah
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Universitas Bosowa
- Author:
Fitriani Fitriani
- E-mail:
- Institution:
STKIP YPUP Makassar, Indonesia
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The aim of this study is to examine how ethics influence students’ cognitive and affective-based trust during COVID-19 pandemic and explore their information seeking activity when faced with limitations learning process. The sample consists of 610 participants through a survey study with Structural Equation Modeling to test the research hypotheses. We found both ethics has positive and significant effect to trust (e.g., cognitive- and affective-based trust), which subsequently positively effects on information seeking among students’ toward Facebook as a tool to promote their activities, The recent study’s has contributed to the academic field shows that Facebook is a tool for communication and interaction with others by seeking information, which ethics and trusts an essential exogenous factor. In practical area, education stakeholders’ should address and identify their students’ to improve their learning performance. Also, it should focus on enhancing the contents and processes of its students’ interactions to foster communication and value propositions in creating unique and valuable experiences.
- Author:
Mateusz Szast
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Pedagogical University of Krakow
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This article focuses the reader’s attention on understanding trust as a research category in the context of the functioning of modern families. This issue is sufficiently represented in research work, especially overall trust as the context of the functioning of modern man in the interpersonal space. However, there is no reference to family ties and their strength, which are shaped by the trust. This article is the result of part of a large research project carried out in 2020 on Polish families. The questionnaire’s questions for the analysis concerned intimate issues such as betrayal or faithfulness. The respondents were also asked about other family members having access to their personal belongings, including mutual assistance or small loans. The article draws the reader’s attention to the issues of interpersonal relations and the importance of the family in the respondents’ minds. The research contains interesting information on the preferences of the research category in shaping family relationships, the strength of family ties and the social roles performed based on these. The data show a change in the functioning of the modern family, especially in the context of its functions and family members’ roles.
- Author:
Jarosław Linka
- Institution:
Institute of Organization and Management in Industry – ORGMASZ in Warsaw
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Close relationships with all members of the market environment are now widely accepted by academics and practitioners as an excellent way of creating a sustainable, competitive advantage. However, views on exactly which activities constitute the essence of market relationships may differ significantly in various cultural contexts. The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of Chinese culture on market relationship creation, focusing on specific guanxi networks with closely related indigenous cultural aspects, such as renqing, lian, mianzi, xinren and xinyong, in order to reveal their implications for the functioning of foreign companies in China. An emic approach was predominantly implemented in this analysis, in addition to a polemic on the commonly used assessment methods of culture impact that is based on Western evaluation and bipolar culture dimensions. The information presented is based on research carried out on thirty-eight cases of Polish companies in China that used a semi-structured interview technique with individual managers directly responsible for operations in this market. It is reinforced with a broad literature overview and many years of the author’s direct observations. In addition, some practical recommendations and further research are suggested.
- Author:
Sławomir Bździuch
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Social capital of young city residents on the example of selected indicators
The main purpose of this article is to present the results of a survey of two selected social capital indicators conducted by the author among young city residents. The indicators, which have been within the research process, are “trust” and “voter turnout”. For the purposes of the article, the author assumed that young residents of the city are students of universities located in the city of Rzeszow. The results obtained as part of the research were compared for comparison purposes with surveys conducted by the Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS) and voter turnout, which was published by the National Electoral Commission (PKW).
- Author:
Waldemar Wojtasik
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Author:
Łukasz Trembaczowski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Although the phenomenon of corruption is sometimes viewed through the prism of legal or economic issues, at its core it is a social phenomenon. Contemporary studies on corruption draw attention to its relationship with the issue of trust. The typological model of the relationship between trust and corruption provided the analytical framework for the described studies. Relating the types of corruption to objects of trust creates a perspective in which the perception of corruption by officials is an area of particular interest. The described research presents the perception of various dimensions of political corruption by local government officials. The juxtaposition of the assessed corruption phenomena indicates their interconnectedness in the perception of the respondents, thereby emphasizing the importance of accountability of political authorities.