- Author:
Ina Lekkai
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Independent scholar
- Year of publication:
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In the light of recent world facts, there has been growing attention paid to refugee minors who, fleeing from violence, war, poverty and climate change, or seeking better opportunities, hope to reach safety in Europe. Challenging life experiences such as war, violence, forced displacement, etc., can potentially threaten children’s development. However, many succeed in turning their lives around and develop well despite such negative circumstances. Refugee children, often overlooked by immigration laws and policy makers, prove to be a particularly resilient group, very resourceful in mechanisms for overcoming life adversities. By taking this understanding of refugee minors as a starting point, this article provides an overview of research in the field of resilience, aiming to discuss the implications that tie refugee minors’ well-being to the human and children’s rights obligations that society bears towards them. The article concludes that there is an urgent need for interventions and programs which target factors that promote refugee children’s resilience in their design and implementation, informed by current knowledge of refugee children’s life and cultural background, and their self-ratings of negative and positive life events. The standards defined by human and children’s rights instruments and equity regarding children’s rights to achieve a good life should be a matter to be taken seriously for all children worldwide.
- Author:
Wiktor Rabczuk
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Artykuł ukazuje zasięg zjawiska imigracji i jej znaczenie społeczno- -ekonomiczne w krajach OECD oraz polepszenie w ostatniej dekadzie poziomu wykształcenia dzieci imigrantów. Jednak kształcenie dzieci imigrantów pozostaje nadal poważnym wyzwaniem dla systemów szkolnych. Są oni narażeni na stres kulturowy, toteż ich adaptacja szkolna jest utrudniona. Chociaż wywodzą się ze środowisk defaworyzowanych, osiągają jednak względnie lepsze wyniki akademickie, aniżeli populacja autochtoniczna o podobnym statusie społeczno- -ekonomicznym. Aby wyjaśnić to zjawisko, pożądane jest uwzględnienie pojęć resilience i kapitału społecznego. Termin kapitał społeczny pozwala wyeksponować relacje korzystne („dobry” kapitał społeczny) dla rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego, pojęcie zaś resilience umożliwia ujmowanie tych relacji jako czynników chroniących uczniów w sytuacjach niesprzyjających i trudnych. Zrelacjonowane badania szwajcarskich autorek, D. Bader i R. Fibbi, mieszczą się w nurcie badań nad fenomenem resilience. Artykuł kończy się refleksją autora o doniosłej roli normatywnego wymiaru kapitału kulturowego imigrantów (pochodzenia azjatyckiego), który w sposób szczególny przyczynia się do procesów pozytywnej adaptacji szkolnej i społecznej ich dzieci, powiększając zasoby czynników chroniących.
- Author:
Lucia Lacková
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Author:
Petr Franiok
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Author:
Daniel Hanuš
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Charles University, Czech Republic
- Author:
Radmila Burkovičová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Author:
Antonia R. García
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Córdoba, Spain
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This article describes the results of a longitudinal study on the effects of the regular, everyday practice of at least 20-minute-long mindfulness meditation sessions on coping with stressful situations among academic staff. University teachers were selected with respect to the high stress of their occupation and their frequent statements of difficulties with responding adequately to stress arising from the necessity of communicating with students, colleagues and family members every day. They stated that they could not cope adequately and had problems concentrating on other activities such as writing, giving lectures and attending work meetings. At the beginning of the study, the academic staff were offered mindfulness meditation therapy training. The study took place from 2002 to 2020. A total of 124 university teachers were monitored. The research group consisted of 97 teachers at Czech universities (53 men and 44 women) and 27 teachers at Slovak universities (14 men and 13 women). The study’s main objective was to identify the effect of an everyday 20-minute mindfulness practice, which 113 participants performed in the morning and 11 in the evening, on the development of their psychological resilience for coping This article describes the results of a longitudinal study on the effects of the regular, everyday practice of at least 20-minute-long mindfulness meditation sessions on coping with stressful situations among academic staff. University teachers were selected with respect to the high stress of their occupation and their frequent statements of difficulties with responding adequately to stress arising from the necessity of communicating with students, colleagues and family members every day. They stated that they could not cope adequately and had problems concentrating on other activities such as writing, giving lectures and attending work meetings. At the beginning of the study, the academic staff were offered mindfulness meditation therapy training. The study took place from 2002 to 2020. A total of 124 university teachers were monitored. The research group consisted of 97 teachers at Czech universities (53 men and 44 women) and 27 teachers at Slovak universities (14 men and 13 women). The study’s main objective was to identify the effect of an everyday 20-minute mindfulness practice, which 113 participants performed in the morning and 11 in the evening, on the development of their psychological resilience for coping
- Author:
Magdalena Rzepka
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The aim of the research described in this paper is to characterize the declared state by the authorities of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP) in terms of developing protective factors among scouts. The main research problem focuses on exploring how ZHP contributes to the development and strengthening of protective factors among its members. The chosen research method is qualitative content analysis of normative documents. The study revealed the existence of declarations and possibilities for developing and strengthening protective factors at three levels (relationships with close individuals, environmental resources, and individual differences). Thus, ZHP can become a place that prepares the young generation to face the challenges of the contemporary world and life problems.