Czy kultura i tradycje narodowe tracą na znaczeniu? Raport z badań porównawczych nad postawami i ich analiza w kontekście wartości
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 95-112
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/117/kie11706.pdf
The research examines the attitudes to national culture and traditions, and a system of values. Analyses were conducted in 2003 (a sample of 325 students), and in 2008 (a sample of 379 students), and in 2013 (a sample of 368 students). It was assumed that (1) there are differences between three groups in acceptance of attitudes and (2) that attitudes to national culture and tradition depend on the value system. The Rokeach’s concept provides the theoretical background. The results of research allow stating that most students underline the significance of national heritages. The lowest acceptance of national heritage was observed in 2008. Moreover, attitudes depend on the value system: a positive attitude to culture and traditions of the own nation is connected with the higher preference of collective values, whereas the acceptance of cultural integration with the western countries is linked with individual values.