- Author:
Anna Małgorzata Królikowska
- Year of publication:
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The paper analyses categories of every-day reality and of a life-world, reaching also for a related notion of intersubjectivity. Whereas all of them have phenomenological background, only the category of every-day reality has made a career in sociology, breaking offthe connection with its philosophical roots. Its phenomenological interpretations are recurred to in the article, together with showing its relation to Lebenswelt. The main concern is the extent to which it is possible to find religious meanings in every-day life in contemporary societies of the broadly-understood West. A degree to which it is allowed to bring meanings deriving from other spheres into the scope of every-day reality, as well as a concrete symbolic domain to be privileged, are historically and culturally changeable. Secularization that affects a society in an institutional dimension and its common sense, makes religious interpretations being less and less intersubjectively supported and loosing their status of being taken for granted. This situation encourages further secularization of individual life-worlds, and at persons who still identify themselves as religious strengthens the separation of religious province from the other domains of meanings and ways of experiencing the world. There is also a number of people who, despite the decline of
- Author:
Janusz Mariański
- Institution:
emerytowany pracownik Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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W poszukiwaniu socjologicznych podstaw pedagogiki religii autor artykułu zwraca uwagę tylko na wybrane kwestie, jak teorie socjologii religii (część teoretyczna) i socjalizację religijną oraz nauczanie religii w szkole (część empiryczna). Takie pojęcia jak religia, religijny, religijność stanowią przedmiot rozważań zarówno socjologii, jak i pedagogiki religii. Socjologiczne teorie religii, socjologiczne teorie przemian religijności we współczesnym świecie mogą być przydatne w budowaniu pedagogicznych koncepcji religii i religijności, właściwych dla pedagogiki religii. Empiryczna socjologia religii - poprzez swoje badania - uwrażliwia wszystkie podmioty edukacyjne na nowe zjawiska religijne i kościelne, zmieniające się ustawicznie w nowych uwarunkowaniach społeczno-kulturowych. Współpraca między pedagogiką i socjologią religii jest możliwa i potrzebna, ale powinna być niesłychanie ostrożna. Każda dyscyplina naukowa ma swoją odrębność teoretyczną i metodologiczną. Socjologizacja pedagogiki religii byłaby czymś niewskazanym, a socjologiczna pedagogika religii - czymś absurdalnym.
- Author:
Łukasz Tomczak
- Institution:
University of Szczecin
- Author:
Rafał Iwański
- Institution:
University of Szczecin
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article presents the research results concerning the attitude of Poles towards the presence of the Church in public life. The research was conducted in 2019 on a national sample size (n = 2110) based on stratified quota sampling method. The majority of the surveyed supported the division of the Church and state, at the same time accepting the presence of Christian values in the activities of state institutions. The surveyed definitely disagreed with the statement that the Church may support particular candidates in elections. The declared political preferences of the respondents proved to be significant, as well as wealth and place of residence. The supporters of the division of Church and state were more frequently respondents with leftist preferences rather than rightist, wealthier rather than poorer, and residing in cities rather than in the country.
- Author:
Janusz Mariański
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Individualization Processes in the Family
The article is a generalized reflection on the moral condition of the modern family, with particular emphasis on the Polish family. Against the background of the classical view of the family, the processes of individualization in the modern family, both in general and specific dimensions, have been presented. Our discussion based on the findings of one’s own and other sociologists’ research indicate the slow processes of detraditionalization and individualization of marital and family life, as well as its internal secularization. We assume that the collected empirical data essentially reflects the actual views, opinions, preferences and attitudes of Polish youth and provides a good sociological portrait of both the young and older generation of Poles. The article mainly contains some generalizations based on empirical research.
- Author:
Jeyhun Valeh oglu Memmedov
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article describes that in the second half of the 19th century, industrialization, urbanization, economic development in Azerbaijan influenced the views of enlighteners and drew the factor of modernity forth. Since then, enlightenment laid the foundation for the transition from Pan-Islamism to nationalism and from theocratic statehood to modern national statehood. Enlightenment separated literary and historical view from the Turkic-Islamic union and directed it to the formation and development of the Azerbaijani people`s national identity and self-awareness. At the beginning of the 19th century, “Europeanization, Westernization” manifested itself in the entire Turkic-Muslim world. There were supporters and opponents of this issue, as well as neutral ones among the Turkish-Muslim intelligentsia. Although the first generation of enlighteners in Azerbaijan appreciated Western culture, they preferred the East. Unlike the first generation of enlighteners, M.F.Akhundzada, as a supporter of Westernization, initiated the ideas of a constitutional state, Europeanization, modernization, democratic state-religion, such as Europe and the separation of religion from the state for the first time in the Turkic-Muslim world.