Grywalizacja jako sposób radzenia sobie z brakiem motywacji wśród studentów
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 119-130
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/115/kie11508.pdf
The purpose of this article is to characterize gamification as an increasingly popular contemporary method of teaching, which is part of the StudentCentered Learning trend. The SCL philosophy, which promotes studentcentered approach as the central issue of the learning process, indicates gamification as one of the most effective and the most interesting method of motivating students to be put in the effort in gaining knowledge and derive satisfaction from their achievements in the scientific field. As indicated by the authors, finding the motivation and maintaining it at an adequate level in the process of teaching, is not an easy task, and the problem posed by its absence is becoming more common in Polish and European higher education system. This evaluation is confirmed by the studies of the authors within domestic and foreign literature. The most common causes of amotivation, presented in the article, could be gradually solved just through gamification — teaching methodology, which uses the game mechanics. Gamification, based on the teaching through activating students, encouraging them to a self-activity, a creative rivalry and a cooperation, is nowadays increasingly used in an academic field, where the authors have found numerous interesting examples. The authors of the text are outlining the principles and advantages of using gamification, the potential areas of application as well as interesting projects with its use. They also postulate to change the current paradigm of teaching by replacing the often inefficient ‘feeding’ teaching methods of transmitting knowledge with more active form, wherein gamification is fully applicable.