Czy można zaprojektować kreatywność pracownika? Refleksje nad relacjami designu i zarządzania
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 224-233
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/115/kie11514.pdf
Innovation of products is one of the most important factor of competition therefore supporting of creative actions of employers is one of the intentionally introduced changes in the organization. Historical analysis of development of management theories from one hand and projects of organization of work spaces form the other hand show co-evolution of them. That is main changes of management theories join with changes in design. In this paper we try to identify (using projects from web sites and specialist publication) a few trends relating to create work space supporting creativity. One of the important trends is imitation of the solutions implemented by companies that are considered innovative. Therefor you wonder if spatial solutions support changes in management practices or rather replace them. In other words, if in some cases the management is not replaced by the design.