- Author:
Małgorzata Łączyk
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article is an attempt at describing the relation between resilience and needs. It is based on the assumption that these are two sets of variables vital for harmonious development that resonate with each other in a peculiar manner. Resilience and human needs are both contextually and hereditarily conditioned, but the relation between them seems not necessarily a linear one. In adults, resilience might be a significant medium in the satisfaction of needs and even condition them. In children, however, the relation between these variables is different. A child is born with certain potential determining its level of resilience, but deprivation of their key needs, especially during first years, might simply impair their development or disturb its synchronisation. The main issue discussed in this article is the basis of the relation between resilience and the needs that must be satisfied at school. The article contains observations made while carrying out an experimental project that enables the youngest pupils to access and fulfil their multidimensional needs.
- Author:
Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The theoretical and methodological framework of the undertaken considerations is determined by the basic conceptual categories – the linguistic image of the world, culture and values. In the analysis of their educational context, some assumptions were adopted from the field of linguistics and sociolinguistics (the perspective of the cultural context in linguistic research), social and cultural anthropology (with particular focus on its anthropocentric-cultural trend), axiology (its phenomenological orientation) and cognitive psychology (its cognitive-developmental theories). At the same time, the assumption was made that the study of the linguistic image of the value of friendship appreciated by learners from the Polish-Czech borderland enables treating language as a source of knowledge (anchored in their own experience and culture) about the ways they understand the world. In the analysis of qualitative empirical material, a reductive and expansive method of data processing was used, as well as the assumptions of the interpretative approach to the analysis of the statement meanings in the context of: understanding the respondents’ thoughts, critical common-sense understanding and theoretical understanding. In preparing a full description of the linguistic image of the value of friendship preferred by children, a phenomenological approach was also used, consisting in moving from individual textural-structural relations of meanings and the essence of the respondents’ experiences to a synthesis in the form of a description of their axiological experiences.