- Author:
Jarosław Galick
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The reasons of expire of local authorities seat
This article presents reasons of expiry of local authorities seat and forms wherein it happen. Local authorities seat usually expire by ending the cadency. Although it may happen before the end of cadency, because of reasons behind local authorities, legislative body of local government or objective reasons. Organs which expire local authorities seat are legislative body of local government, election commissioner and the Seym. Local residents may also contribute to recall executive body of local government, voting in local referendum. It base on the rules of Electoral code, systemic local government acts and local referendum act.
- Author:
Katarzyna Kącka
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
State celebrations, anniversaries of important historical events and their observance are one of the main channels of communication between ruling elite and society that shape the state symbolic space. In addition to establish ing memorial sites, erecting monuments, founding institutions focused on remembrance, they are the most important way to create a narrative of the state’s past. In Poland - regardless of time and political system - special attention was paid to creating a calendar of holidays and anniversaries, and the manner they were celebrated. These festivities were and are still considered to be fundamental tools used in Polish politics of history, both at statewide and local level. Their importance in the regions can - depending on how the local elites exercise their powers - vary from much larger in relation to the central state level to entirely negligible. The aim of this study is to present mechanisms and tools used by local authorities in building an appropriate historical narrative using just those tools.
- Author:
Bogusław Kotarba
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- Institution:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Social control in local government units
Local self-government is an important element of the political system of democratic countries. It satisfies numerous collective needs and also participates in the exercising of public authority. This makes it necessary to exercise control over the activities of local government units. The article deals with the issues of control carried out by members of local and regional communities, and focuses on the consequences of its legal institutionalization. An example of a new form of control was used, which is the debate on the report on the state of a local government unit. Both the institutional-legal analysis and the comparative method have been applied to verify the following thesis: legal institutionalization of social control makes it easier for citizens to undertake it, creates better conditions for controlling the actions of local and regional authorities, with the advantages of institutionalization of control outweighing its certain shortcomings.
- Author:
Jarosław Piątek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Szczecin
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The phenomenon of corruption is becoming more and more common in Poland as much as it is throughout the world. The topic returns and it is still relevant. For the average person, this issue is often not entirely clear and requires a moment of reflection and analysis. Historical events often prevail when carefully assessing corruption. Many people do not understand that the abuse of public figures’ positions to achieve private gains, both financial and personal, is a crime. We deal with many types of corruption in today’s world. Corruption is present not only in central administration, but also in local government, where conflicts of interest deeply rooted in local economic, political, or official activities, are a frequent occurrence. The desire to improve one’s social or economic status often leads to committing crimes. The problem should worry and motivate us to take extensive actions to combat its mechanisms. It is worth emphasizing that public awareness of corruption activities, especially among the generation who lived in the times of the Polish People’s Republic, is low. Assessments and attitudes towards corruption change with age. The younger generation sees a connection between corruption and the actions of local government officials in many aspects. As a result, they associate corruption with a threat to their own security.