Biografia artystyczna i mit (na przykładzie Papuszy J. Kos-Krauze i K. Krauzego)
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 117-139
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/111/kie11107.pdf
The Subject of the study are cinema biographies of artists. The main point of discussion is the “directed biography”, popular biography, existing in wide reception for example polish movie Papusza directed by Joanna KosKrauze and Krzysztof Krauze. In the paper used the method of analysis and comparison of various available sources and documents: scientific biography, interviews, press releases, reports and documentaries; particularly inspiring was the method of Panofsky. The aim of the article is not uncovering the truth biographical reality, but its interpretation in the form of ideas, visions of artists in the eyes of other artists (directors, screenwriters). There are important issues is the mythologizing and demythologization elements in a film about Papusza and also functions work: knowledge, education. Aesthetic values are not the subject of research in itself, but they can’t be overlooked because the analysis of image and analysis of content movie’s reminds analysis of discourse, because of the focus on intertextual relations.