- Author:
Anetta Jaworska
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
In studies seeking motivated prisoners to physical activity while serving sentence in prison, were used the questionnaire methods. Researches group were the men who are physical active (N=121), aged 22 to 55 years. Most of the respondents were men with primary or secondary, and vocational education (over 90 %). The results showed that the most important role in participating in physical exercise in prison is motivation to maintain contentment and satisfaction with life, and exercises are primarily a form of entertainment and meaningful full time. Important themes are also making exercise motives maintain contact with a wider group of people. However, inmates differ significantly in terms of motivation to participate in activities depending on the type of physical exercise.
- Author:
Paulina Klemm
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Gdański
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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One of the most controversial aspects regarding resocialization is a doubt whether imprisonment, which entails isolation, enables efficient educational activity. To be able to prognostically look at the process of work with prisoners, one should, first of all, give a closer look to the very definition of resocialization. The simplest way is to comprehend it as a discipline regarding disfunctions, defects and inability to adapt to the society. It leads toward a conviction that using the provisions of law in force we are able to influence or even change an individual’s standpoint. Many researchers focusing on the definition notices that the number of views is equal to the number of papers. A critique touches mainly pedagogues whose works are the most numerous. They are criticized for that without the familiarity of basic legal provisions it is impossible to solve all dilemmas concerning so broad topic which is the change of man’s personality.
- Author:
Artur Ptaszyński
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Tematem artykułu jest system więziennictwa w Polsce Ludowej, funkcjonujący w latach 1945–1958. Celem artykułu jest udokumentowanie i analiza funkcjonowania systemu więziennictwa w tym okresie na przykładzie Wojewódzkiego Więzienia Karno-Śledczego w Bydgoszczy. Realizując cel pracy autor sformułował hipotezę badawczą, zgodnie z którą rozbudowa i funkcjonowanie powojennego systemu więziennictwa przyczyniły się do zaostrzenia i rozbudowy systemu represji wobec skazanych. W celu weryfikacji hipotezy zastosowano metody badawcze oparte na analizie dokumentów archiwalnych i danych statystycznych.
- Author:
Anetta Jaworska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Re-Education in Penal Institutions and Types of Resistance towards Prison Isolation
This article concerns the inmates’ resistance against prison isolation and against the process of rehabilitation change. This article aims to present the results of questionnaire research aimed at establishing the correlation between the type of resistance elected by the prisoners and their prison system (and the choice of specific rehabilitation programs). The resistance is understood as an expression of rebellion against the rejection and may be manifested in the form of aggression, hostility or internal dissension. This article concerns four styles of resistance: transformative, accommodative, passive and aggressive which are differentiated by the power of involvement in resistance and prisoners’ behavior towards penal institution. Resistance to isolation in prison is thus recorded a response to the situation of imprisonment, which is perceived by prisoners as imposed by the unjust restriction. It is bound by the prisoners do not accept coercion and lack of leeway and a sense that the prison staff is trying to dominate them. The research was conducted using the method of test questionnaires were 413 prisoners, prison inmates in two prisons closed type. The study, presented as a ratio analysis can be a starting point for further and extended to the whole country research on the motivation of prisoners to participate in rehabilitation programs implemented by the prison service in Poland.
- Author:
Tomasz W. Sobecki
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Operational work in penitentiary unit – part 1
The issue of operiational work carried out in penitentiary units has for years aroused considerable controversy, opposition and disputes both among representatives of the prison systemand among representatives of science. Undoubtedly, this state of affairs was influenced by the negative experiences of the prison reality of the Polish Peopless Republic and the inglorious role played therein by special units established to conduct operational activities. Due to the breadth of the topic of operational work in prison on the one hand, and the limited scope of this publication on the other. The whole thing was divided into four independent parts. The first part will present the framework, forms and methods of conducting operational work in the years 1944–1989. In the second part, I will present how the situation in this area developed after the change of the political system and in the conditio of the new socio-political situation determined by the requirements of a democratic state of law. The third part will be devoted to the analysis of currently applicable institutions that regulate the conduct of operational and reconnaissance activities in prisons and detention centers. Finally, in part four, I will assess the individual allegations presented by opponents denying the admissibility of conducting operational work in a penitentiary institution.
- Author:
Tomasz W. Sobecki
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Operational work in penitentiary unit – part 2
The issue of operiational work carried out in penitentiary units has for years aroused considerable controversy, opposition and disputes both among representatives of the prison systemand among representatives of science. Undoubtedly, this state of affairs was influenced by the negative experiences of the prison reality of the Polish Peopless Republic and the inglorious role played therein by special units established to conduct operational activities. Due to the breadth of the topic of operational work in prison on the one hand, and the limited scope of this publication on the other. The whole thing was divided into four independent parts. The first part will present the framework, forms and methods of conducting operational work in the years 1944–1989. In the second part, I will present how the situation in this area developed after the change of the political system and in the conditio of the new socio-political situation determined by the requirements of a democratic state of law. The third part will be devoted to the analysis of currently applicable institutions that regulate the conduct of operational and reconnaissance activities in prisons and detention centers. Finally, in part four, I will assess the individual allegations presented by opponents denying the admissibility of conducting operational work in a penitentiary institution.