Dyskryminacja, akceptacja i niewidzialność nauczycielek nieheteronormatywnych na przykładzie wypowiedzi nauczycielek pracujących w kilku polskich szkołach
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 172-191
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2016.03.10
- PDF: kie/113/kie11310.pdf
The article is an analyze of non-heteronormative female teachers experience of their work place. It shows both their personal experience of exclusion (or inclusion) and understanding of that experience. Results are based on qualitative research (life-history interviews) with 8 teachers, analyze of internet phorum and also comparison with other European and American data. There are not a lot of research about such topic, not just in Poland but also in other countries, most of the European articles on this topic is based on qualitative research with few teachers. Results of such research should be presented and also should be an inspiration to other wider analyzes. Results of the research show that the majority of responders has never came out in their work place. They were afraid of discrimination and homophobia. The fear which was the reason of keeping in secret the information about sexual orientation was presented mainly among the teachers who were working in villages and small towns. Just on of my responders hasn’t ever heard any homophobic jokes or comments in her workplace. A lot of teachers indicated that ‘being in the closet’ is not comfortable for them because they have to hide a lot of information connected with their daily life and it separates them from the group of collegues. Most of them have founf one or two collegues and told them about their secret. Most of nonheteronormative teachers have good relations with pupils and these teachers connect their open attitude toward pupils problems with their personal experience of exclusion.