- Author:
Danuta Kocurek
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
W 2009 roku Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Współpracy Regionalnej „Olza” wraz z Institutem EuroSchola z Trzyńca powołało na pograniczu polsko- -czesko-słowackim pierwszy w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej EuroInstytutut do spraw współpracy transgranicznej. Głównymi obszarami działalności EuroInstytutu Polsko-Czesko-Słowackiego są: działalność szkoleniowo-doradcza, działalność koncepcyjna i badawcza oraz działalność edukacyjna i wydawnicza. EuroInstytut współpracuje z placówkami naukowymi i instytucjami doradczo-szkoleniowymi z kraju i zagranicy. Wydaje serię „TRANSCARPATHICA” i organizuje konferencje o wymiarze międzynarodowym, poświęcone relacjom sąsiedzkim łączącym Polaków, Czechów i Słowaków.
- Author:
Іван Безена
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Дніпровська академія неперервної освіти
- Author:
Тетяна Богатирьова
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Дніпровська академія неперервної освіти
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Modern Issues of Speech Culture Development when Studying a Foreign Language by Students of the Humanities
The authors investigated some issues of speech culture development during the study of foreign languages by students of humanities in bachelor’s degree programs. In the context of the developing educational environment and European integration of Ukraine, a foreign language should contribute to the satisfaction of individual educational needs and the development of unlimited speech communication in the open world. The strategic goals of national education outline general issues: the formation of a free personality that is recognized as relevant issues of sustainable educational growth, special understanding of European values such as democracy, human rights and tolerance, respect for foreign culture, motivation for content and quality of individually oriented education with dynamic, flexible trajectory. The modern model of higher education in the humanities is developing dynamically, but at the same time requires a new content, resources and tools for a developing educational environment. The key issues are: individual motivation to learn a foreign language, professional competencies of teachers and access to new modern resources for learning a foreign language. Considering some aspects of the organization of educational activities of students studying for bachelor’s degree programs, we note the presence of positive and negative trends. Among the positive ones are the high needs of some students in the development of speech competence, extra time for comprehension, various resources to expand vocabulary and take into account the professional orientation of information for education, various forms of classes (visualization, watching movies, listening to radio programs, business games, group work, discussion of various topics of foreign culture, nature and environment, opportunities to attend language summer camps, etc.). Negative tendencies include the presence of a certain number of students who do not know how to independently develop their speech competencies, disorganization in the structure of self-education, perception of everything with unfavorable motivators, and so on. It is noted that according to foreign experience in qualitative, creative and educational growth the most important is the development of personal competence in understanding academic freedom, formation of individual practices of learning materials, competence development, independence, individual responsibility, independent search for motivation to develop speech skills. A special place in the process of active educational dialogue in a foreign language, skills of listening, understanding and perception of information belongs to the teacher who forms the individual trajectory of the student’s education and achieves the results of quality education.