- Author:
Tadeusz Lewowicki
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Współczesny świat nękany jest wieloma problemami, które budzą niepokój o przyszłość społeczeństw żyjących w różnych częściach naszego globu. Problemy te dotyczą również społeczeństw europejskich. Dokuczliwe i pod różnymi względami szkodliwe są zachowania polityków, odżywają radykalne nurty nacjonalistyczne i szowinistyczne, nie słabną konflikty na tle religijnym, pogłębiają się różnice w warunkach życia bogatych i biednych, toksyczne jest oddziaływanie licznych środków masowej komunikacji. W tej trudnej sytuacji niewielką pomoc niesie ludziom edukacja, której powinnością jest przecież przygotowanie do życia. Powinności tej nie sposób wypełnić z powodzeniem, nie uwzględniając podstawowych problemów współczesnego świata, nie pomagając w ich zrozumieniu i poszukiwaniu rozwiązań. Szczególną rolę w tym dziele odgrywać może i powinna edukacja międzykulturowa – inspirując i promując poczynania służące przygotowaniu do godnego i zgodnego życia w dotkniętym poważnymi problemami wielokulturowym świecie.
- Author:
Lucyna Myszka-Strychalska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The increasing flexibility and uncertainty of permanent employment as well as the complexity of career paths in the modern labor market makes the ability to acquire, maintain and change employment in the long term critically important. In a situation in which a professional career is perceived as a status owned by an individual, it is worth looking at factors determining employability in the individual and social dimension. All the entity’s activities aimed at investing in shaping their professional future have measurable value for increasing its competitiveness on the labor market, which is not without significance for building career capital. The aim of the article is to present the assumptions of the modern concept of employability and its importance for the individual’s career capital. The article also attempts to analyze the tasks set for education in the area of employability development of young people preparing to take up professional activity.
- Author:
Aneta Rogalska-Marasińska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Łódzki
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Migration as an “independent variable” of intercultural cognition. Challenges for the contemporary teacher
This article is aimed to look at ‘migration’ as a complex social category to support teachers in their preparation for working with students of diverse cultural backgrounds. In all likelihood, the national composition of Polish school will change significantly shortly. Students with complex and non-obvious immigrant experiences will dominate in the first stage. Like an “independent variable”, they will condition the course of social relations, including school relations. Supporting each teacher in extensive preparation for responsible work with students with different cultural experiences becomes a professional necessity and a (self-) educational challenge. As a first step, teachers should, therefore, become familiar with the typology of migration. This knowledge will make it easier for them to determine with whom they are working, i.e. with which baggage of cultural, identity, and migration experiences the other Person comes to them. Secondly, the practical preparation of educators should include intercultural education content to realistically respond to emerging expectations (of students and parents) and the resulting changes and even difficulties. Thirdly, the teacher should understand that, especially, mass immigration is associated with the emergence of overlapping identities, attitudes (including resentment) and the hybridisation of social life. Anticipatory education for a common and promising European future requires the courageous formulation of questions and the search for ways to solve them. For the time being, however, there is a perceptible gap in the intercultural preparation of teachers. It should be reduced as soon as possible because a new society is forming. Its formation should be responsible and accepted by the parties to this process, i.e., the contribution of the educational processes should be crucial.